Formalin as a Dip for Discus Fry
Cary Strong March 20, 2003

Use 22ml of formaldehyde (37%) per 15 gallons of water for a 1/2 hour bath with 5 tablespoons of salt (non-iodized). Also add lots of airstones.

After the dip, move the fry to a brand new tank, fluke-free. Raise the temperature to 88� F and add salt again, but this time at 1 tablespoon per 10 gallons. This will help regenarate the slime coat that was lost during the formaldehyde treatment.

The fish will look like hell for a few hours but by the next day all will be back to normal like nothing happened.

This treatment works for me at pH 7.5, kH 7, gH 7, at a temperature of 86� F.

In my opinion, if you have never used formaldehyde before, stick with prazi until you can practice with hyde and your water parameters on some culls.

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