What Can Stress a Discus or Make it Skittish?
Ardan Huck July 8, 2002

There are many things that could cause a discus to become stressed or skittish. The discus may even show this by turning dark colored, clamping their fins, or hiding.
  1. Other fish in the tank:
    This could be other discus establishing the pecking order or other fish. Discus do best in schools of 6 or more of their own species. Other species usually don't mix well with discus.

  2. Water quality:
    This could be ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, chlorine, chloramines, lack of water changes, unstable pH, too much pH change from a water change, low oxygen, chemicals such as paint or aerosols, improper minerals in water, or medications.

  3. Disease:
    This could be internal or external parasites or bacteria. It could also be injury.

  4. Diet:
    Poor nutrition and poor feeding habits, such as using pellet foods that are not presoaked that may swell up in the fish's digestive tract.

  5. Other factors:
    • Temperature: Improper temperature, either too high or too low, or too large of a temperature change too fast.

    • Light: Fish eyes react very slowly to changes in light levels, flickering lights (including near a TV or computer), or shadows.

    • Sounds: Vibrations or intermittent noise, such as passing traffic or nearby motorized equipment.

    • Stray voltage: Test with a voltmeter from water to ground, use a ground probe if necessary.

    • Metal: Corroding metals in contact with the water.

  6. Environment:
    • Were they recently moved to a new environment?

    • Shipping stress.

    • New additions of fish.

    • Handling the fish.

    • High traffic near the tank, walking past, etc.

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