Water Chemistry
Myth and confusion seems to surround the proper water chemistry required to keep discus. This collection of articles will explain and clarify the various water parameters involved in discus keeping, and information on how to alter them.

When it comes to water, there are numerous things to take into consideration. Hardness, pH, chlorine and ammonia are just a few of the common factors that have a bearing on the health of your aquarium and your discus. This section will provide definitions to water-related terms, as well as give useful tips and information regarding your water quality.

The most common use for R/O and DI water in a discus tank is when the fish are breeding, or wild discus are being kept. However, many hobbyists use R/O and R/O mixes in their tanks because they want to keep their fish in softer water. Here you will find detailed articles explaining the process of reverse osmosis and deionization as well as step-by-step guides on how to build an R/O unit and identify the parts of an R/O system.

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