Related literature of interest
- http://www.fisheries.org/publications/AFSBooks/webfinal/x540.09.htm
- Balcer, B.D., N.L. Korda, S.I. Dodson. 1984. Zooplankton of the Great Lakes. The University of Wisconsin Press, Ltd. London, England. pp. 103-106
- Chess, D.W., J.A. Stanford. 1998. Comparative energetics and life cycle of the opossum shrimp Mysis relicta in native and non-native environments. Freshwater Biology 40(4):783-794
- Grossnickle, N.E. 1982. The herbivorous and predaceous habits of Mysis relicta in Lake Michigan. PHD Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Lasenby, D.C., M. Furst. 1981. Feeding of Mysis relicta on macrozooplankton. Institute of Freshwater Research Drottingham Report 0(59):75-80
- Lehman, J.T., J.A. Bowers, R.W. Gensemer, G.J. Warren, D.K.
- Branstrator. 1990. Mysis relicta in Lake Michigan (USA): abundances and relationships with their potential prey, Daphnia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47(5):977-983
- Tohtz, J. 1993. Lake whitefish diet and growth after introduction of Mysis relicta to Flathead Lake, Montana. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 122(4):629-635
- Gal, G., L. G. Rudstam, & C. H. Greene, 1999. Acoustic characterization of Mysis relicta. Limnol. Oceanogr. 44: 371-381
- Pothoven, S.A., G. L. Fahnenstiel, H. A. Vanderploeg, & M. Luttenton, 2000. Population Dynamics of Mysis relicta in southeastern Lake Michigan, 1995-1998. J. Great Lakes Res. 26: 357-365.
- Clements, W.A., D.S. Rawson, and J.L. McHugh. 1939. A biological survey of Okanagan Lake, British Colombia. Fisheries Research Board of Canada Bulletin 56.
- Nesler, T.P. and E.P. Bergersen. 1991. Mysids and their impacts on fisheries: an introduction to the 1988 Mysid-Fisheries symposium. Pages 1-4
- In: T.P. Nesler and E.P. Bergersen, editors. Mysids in fisheries: hard lessons from headlong introductions. American Fisheries Society Symposium 9, Bethesda, Maryland.
- Pennak, R.W. 1989. Fresh-water invertebrates of the United States, protozoa to mollusca. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 3rd ed.
- Mysis relicta Lov�n into Kootenay Lake, British Columbia. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 21:1325-1327