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JE: What strains are you the most happy with? Which do you think need some work? Are you working on anything new and exciting now? What strain/s do you like best, personally?

JL: I like the Blue Diamond the best. The distinctive sky blue color are so pleasing to the eye and makes you feel soothed and comfortable looking at them. They are graceful and beautiful. They can cross with any strain of discus and the offspring will be nice and acceptable by most hobbyists. They turn navy blue when rearing fry and there is no problem with attachment. They are so versatile. I am not happy with the newer strain like the Snow White and San -Merah. They are so beautiful and yet so small. I have been looking for a sizable San-Merah for the last two years and still unable to find a large one that doesnt spawn at 3-4 inches.

JE: Actually one of the questions I have wanted to get a LOT of information from you on is genetics. Your Pigeon Blood (or was it Marlboro Red) x Blue Diamond threw some awesome crosses. Can you give us any other interesting crosses that have come out good or interesting? Any crossing information would be of great interest to me, and to a lot of others, I bet!

JL: I like to cross most of my discus. The imported fish we get have been in-bred for so many generations to fix the line. Most of them had already shown signs of genetic defects. Quite a number of Pigeon Blood stain miss their food targets. We have no choice but to cross-breed them to improve the line. I was working on a dirty Red Spotted SS X MR for the last 2 years to produce a clean MR with red fins. We call them Red Melon. I was able to produce a solid yellow fish which we called Canary and then I use her to cross with a Golden and now I think I have a finished product. They are solid Tangerines. If I color enhance them with red color, they turn bright red. I kept 10 of them and they will be my next batch of breeders.

I also crossed a Wild green and a Blue Diamond and produced a bronze colored barless fish with green fins. They are beautiful as far as I am concerned. But when I posted the picture on the forum. People said it was a cull. She had been producing a lot of perfectly round Angel Diamonds for me. She is not a cull. To me she is priceless.

JE: Any tips on breeding or raising discus? Tricks or methods you use to encourage pairs to breed?

JL: Preparation for breeding is the most important factor in breeding discus. You must de-fluke the parents and make sure they are free of external parasites and gill worms. That will save a lot of future problems that may cause frustration and heart breaking incidents down the road. I found out the easiest trick to induce spawning is to simply drop the pH and W/C with colder water at room temperature and the most effective way is to dump the siphoned water from your breeding tanks and put it in the potential breeders. They will immediately flash their fins and looking for a mate.


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