Jason Niemi
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JE: What do you feed your discus?

JN: Right now just a seafood mix that I'm constantly playing with, bloodworms, pellets, red wrigglers, and flour beetles.

JE: What is your most exhilarating moment with discus?

JN: When heckels court and spawn for me.

JE: What is your most frustrating moment with discus?

JN: When the same heckels eat their eggs, lol, also when I get a nice wild that's just beautiful as nice as any man made fish, the kind that looks like he was the king of the river 2 months ago, then just sort of loses his zest for life and is just content to eat, live and exist.

JE: Do you have any future discus plans that you would like to share with us?

JN: Yes, in mid August I'll be launching my website with alot of great products intended for the discus keeper as well as articles of interest, and I will be Canada's first major online discus hatchery and importer, finaly bringing in the strains and quality of discus that the discus fanatics up here deserve to have, right here in our own country.

JE: How do those in your life feel about discus?

JN: My close friends and family are not really as suportive in so much as they are understanding, I guess alot of them realize I do what I do because I love it so much and in a way that helps them understand.

JE: Do you have any funny, amusing or interesting discus stories to share with us?

JN: Well, one time I was defrosting some beefheart mix in the fridge, my roomate Mike's brother is a chef and is always dropping food-off for us, those two are very competitive with each other, I came home that day and Mike was telling his brother on the phone that his new pate' spread sucked and he needed to go back to culinary school.

Then there was a few years back when naturose was the buzz word, I tried to get some but it was crazy expensive, so I got the synthetic stuff, anyways it wasn't doing much to my fish so I tried about 10 capsules myself, everyone I bumped into for the next two weeks asked if I went to mexico or something.


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