Jeff Doty
John Erdman May 2003

Ladies and Gentlemen, first let me (John Erdman (JE)) apologize for the lateness of the May Spotlight, but even I get a vacation once in a while. Next month I'll see about getting it in early to make up for your patience. In any event, heres Jeff Doty (JD)!

JE: Please tell us all a little about yourself. Single, married, attached? Other hobbies? Any significant non-discus achievements you want to brag about?

JD: Hello Everyone. First let me say it is a very big honor to be selected for the May member spotlight. Thank you!

Now then, I am 40 years old, married, and have one daughter, a dog, and a cat. I live in Hillsboro Oregon, about 20 miles west of Portland. I am a native Oregonian, and can not foresee living anywhere else, as I love this part of the world. I have worked for the County Elections Department for the past 15 years, and find it a very enjoyable line of work. I am sure I will retire from there someday.

My other hobbies include, time with family and friends, enjoying nature, weightlifting and keeping fit, music, and current events.

JE: How did you get into discus? Where was the first discus you saw? How long had you been into fish first?

JD: I started fish keeping in 1992 when my wife twisted my arm into buying a used 55 gallon tank and stand, with several large cichlids. As the story goes, she soon lost interest, and I was hooked! I saw my first discus in Tropical Fish Hobbyist magazine soon after getting into the hobby, but did not actually get any until 1996 when I bought 4 juvenile turquoise discus at the local fish store.

JE: How did you decide to take the plunge into breeding as a professional endeavor?

JD: Well, after having discus for several years, and enjoying them in a community tank setting, I decided to attempt to have them spawn for me, as it was considered a challenge in the fish keeping hobby. One correction would be that I am not a professional breeder in the sense that I do not make a living from discus. I would describe myself as a hobbyist breeder. After getting my first pair of discus, and after the first few spawns, it just came naturally to expand into several pairs.


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