JE: Sorry about that, Jeff! What were the major obstacles involved in setting up as a hobbyist breeder? Any advice for aspiring breeders?
JD: The most important obstacles I have worked on are, water movement, meaning how to get the water into and out of the tanks, as you move a large amount of water every day, and covering the added expenses of keeping a lot of fish and tanks.
My advice to aspiring breeders would be to:
- Purchase only from reputable sources, which means doing your homework.
- Purchase the best quality stock. Dont try to save a few dollars on what looks like a good deal, because it probably isnt.
- Read everything available on discus and the aquarium hobby.
- Commit yourself to water changes.
- Remember to stop and observe your discus everyday.
- Work with strains that interest you, and give you motivation.
- Be 100% honest with others.
- Consider all available information, but do what makes sense to you.
- Enjoy your discus, and share them with others.