RO Unit Components: Basic Assembly
Page 6 of 7 Pages: 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7

Photo 17: Here you see the tube connecting the DI stage to the final or "polishing" stage. Note the gentle arc of the tube. This is to avoid crimping of the tube and the stopping of water flow.

Photo 18: Here you see the flush assembly connected to the waste water port of the membrane housing.

Photo 19: The prefilter and DI cartriges are then placed in their appropriate canisters.

They are (from the left):

1. 5 Micron Poly prefilter (solid white)
2. Carbon block (white grid with blue ends)
3. DI (amber colored with white ends)

Photo 20: The feed water connector and extra hose are then connected to the unit.


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