Jerry Baer
Page 4 of 5 Pages: 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5

JE: What is your most frustrating moment with discus?

JB: Frustration is when a great fish wastes away over a couple of months and then dies. It seems like nothing you do helps. Luckily it has only happened a couple of times and not in a long time.

JE: I know you are running your tanks with peat now and when I was there all of them were looking super healthy. Tell us a little more about your peat system - how much you use and how often you change the peat. This is actually a little selfish because I am thinking about giving peat a try, after a conversation with Al.

JB: I set up my storage water with peat . After it goes thru double 10 inch filters it goes thru peat. I either use refillable 10 inch filter cartridges or an 18 inch tall by 6 inch diameter tank. The water does a single pass so it does not turn real dark. It softens the water, lowers the conductivity and the ph. Peat is exhausted when it stops lowering the conductivity. Peat will work differently for each person. since we all have different water perameters to start with. If your water is real hard it might not work for you.

JE: Do you have any future discus plans that you would like to share with us?

JB: My only future plans is to set up that monster tank. To do it I will have to take apart an existing tank that is over 100 gallons. Plus I will need a couple of friends to help me lift everything.


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