Jerry Baer
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JE: How do those in your life feel about discus? I know Lori seems very supportive.

JB: My wife is real supportive of my discus hobby. She also likes all my friends with fish and likes listening to our "fish tales". Her father feeds my fish when we go on vacation.

JE: Do you have any funny, amusing or interesting discus stories to share with us?

JE: No real funny or amusing stories. Probably the same story as everyone else about flooding something at one time or another.

JE: Do you have any thanks or credit to give for your success with discus? Any mentors or colleagues who you think deserve some kudos?

JB: The two people that have probably helped the most were Jack Wattley's partner Bruce, whos last name I can't recall. Also Marc Weiss at different times when I needed information. All my discus friends and of course (you all know who you are) are as passoionate about the hobby as I am.

JE: What do you see as the future of discuskeeping? More/less people? Any cool ideas for strains?

JB: When I got into discus there was no internet for help just books to read. I think now with the internet and this forum discus keeping is now easier. As long as you do your homework you will succeed. I think more people who get into discus will stay with discus.

JE: Can you think of anything I left out you would like to bring up - either personally or discus related?

JB: If anyone visits South Florida they can email me to see my fish. They can also get some free Italian ice or ice cream at my stores. Also a lot of times I'm able to go with you to visit Wattley discus or Aquatechnics.

JE: Thanks a lot for taking the time to answer these questions. Remember, dinner at Sandra's parents again next year - maybe this time you'll get the gnocchi!

JB: Thanks, John.

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