Jeff Doty
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JE: Do you have any thanks or credit to give for your success with discus? Any mentors or colleagues who you think deserve some kudos?

JD: Dennis Hardenburger has been my mentor, since he sold me my first pair. He has endured many long emails full of questions, and has happily answered every one. He is a great person and a wonderful friend. He is extremely modest, and is one of the most skilled discus breeders you will ever meet. I also owe much thanks to another friend Yvan Alleau. He has taught me an incredible amount about fish keeping, and has become a very good friend. He showed me that there is more than one way to be successful with discus. Many others have been responsible for helping me develop my skills, including, Brewmaster, Chad Bertoni, Jim Quarles, Cary Strong, Carol Roberts, Ryan Smith, Larry Matincheck, John Nicholson, and many others who I am not naming. Thank you all!

JE: What do you see as the future of discuskeeping? More/less people? Any cool ideas for strains?

JD: I see the future of discus keeping as becoming bigger every year. They are starting to lose their reputation for being difficult, the prices have come down, their availability has increased, they are peaceful and can be kept in a community setting, the internet has offered anyone a chance to learn about them, you can buy them from the other side of the country and have them shipped to your door, they come in every color of the rainbow, what could be better!

I think that the Heckel Discus has a huge potential to provide unique and beautiful strains. Wild discus like the Curipera that many folks are working with, and that Dennis has spawned, offer unlimited potential. And of course, when it comes to pigeon blood discus, anything can happen!

JE: Can you think of anything I left out you would like to bring up - either personally or discus related?

JD: The only thing that comes to mind is, there are as many opinions about discus and discus keeping as there is people. Do what you like, and dont let those that are critical spoil your enjoyment of your discus.

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